In the aftermath of the train crash at Tempi, Reporters United has initiated a sequence of investigations. Pursuing further understanding, Eurydice Bersi endeavors to scrutinize the measures implemented by the New Democracy government aimed at enhancing railway safety...
TITLE: Ukraine war: the “real” refugees and the lies of the Greek government
DESCRIPTION: Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greek government ministers and MPs have spread false claims about refugees and international law. While experts, the UNHCR, and EU data refute their claims and more allegations are reported regarding Greece’s illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers.
TITLE: Ukraine war: the “real” refugees and the lies of the Greek government
DESCRIPTION: Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greek government ministers and MPs have spread false claims about refugees and international law. While experts, the UNHCR, and EU data refute their claims and more allegations are reported regarding Greece’s illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers.
CLIENT: Solomon