TITLE: The secret is in the file: Maximos Mansion’s dirty war against the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy
DESCRIPTION: How ministers Tsiaras and Pierrakakis and the NSA for 20 months have been sabotaging the creation of the digital archive of the ADAE, minimising the last hope of unravelling the scandal. How the respect of the Constitution is left to the patriotism of three companies of German, British and Serbian interests, two of which have a heavy and recent history of interception in Greece.
TITLE: The secret is in the file: Maximos Mansion’s dirty war against the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy
DESCRIPTION: How ministers Tsiaras and Pierrakakis and the NSA for 20 months have been sabotaging the creation of the digital archive of the ADAE, minimising the last hope of unravelling the scandal. How the respect of the Constitution is left to the patriotism of three companies of German, British and Serbian interests, two of which have a heavy and recent history of interception in Greece.
CLIENT: Reporters United