In the aftermath of the train crash at Tempi, Reporters United has initiated a sequence of investigations. Pursuing further understanding, Eurydice Bersi endeavors to scrutinize the measures implemented by the New Democracy government aimed at enhancing railway safety...
TITLE: NIS Commander to the Committee on Institutional Affairs: “For reasons of national security” the surveillance of Malichudis – Solomon
DESCRIPTION: During the meeting of the Parliament's Institutions and Transparency Committee, the surveillance of journalists by the National Intelligence Service, which is the responsibility of the Prime Minister, was reportedly confirmed. A few months ago, State Minister George Gerapetritis stated that "it goes without saying that there is no surveillance of journalists in Greece".
TITLE: NIS Commander to the Committee on Institutional Affairs: “For reasons of national security” the surveillance of Malichudis – Solomon
DESCRIPTION: During the meeting of the Parliament's Institutions and Transparency Committee, the surveillance of journalists by the National Intelligence Service, which is the responsibility of the Prime Minister, was reportedly confirmed. A few months ago, State Minister George Gerapetritis stated that "it goes without saying that there is no surveillance of journalists in Greece".
CLIENT: Solomon