In the aftermath of the train crash at Tempi, Reporters United has initiated a sequence of investigations. Pursuing further understanding, Eurydice Bersi endeavors to scrutinize the measures implemented by the New Democracy government aimed at enhancing railway safety...
TITLE: How European governments are (secretly) discussing the hacking of WhatsApp and Signal
DESCRIPTION: Censored documents which have come to light following Access to Information requests reveal the secret discussion between governments and European authorities with the aim of hijacking encrypted applications. Reporters United is participating in the Lighthouse Reports cross-border investigation along with the Dutch newspaper NRC and IRPI from Italy.
TITLE: How European governments are (secretly) discussing the hacking of WhatsApp and Signal
DESCRIPTION: Censored documents which have come to light following Access to Information requests reveal the secret discussion between governments and European authorities with the aim of hijacking encrypted applications. Reporters United is participating in the Lighthouse Reports cross-border investigation along with the Dutch newspaper NRC and IRPI from Italy.
CLIENT: Reporters United