In the aftermath of the train crash at Tempi, Reporters United has initiated a sequence of investigations. Pursuing further understanding, Eurydice Bersi endeavors to scrutinize the measures implemented by the New Democracy government aimed at enhancing railway safety...
TITLE: His drawing traveled to Europe. But 12-year-old Jamal simply wants to “get out of this jail”.
DESCRIPTION: "I don’t want anything from you. Nor am I happy that my drawing has traveled to another place, while I'm stuck in a prison", says little Jamal from a detention center on Kos island.
TITLE: His drawing traveled to Europe. But 12-year-old Jamal simply wants to “get out of this jail”.
DESCRIPTION: "I don’t want anything from you. Nor am I happy that my drawing has traveled to another place, while I'm stuck in a prison", says little Jamal from a detention center on Kos island.
CLIENT: Solomon