In the aftermath of the train crash at Tempi, Reporters United has initiated a sequence of investigations. Pursuing further understanding, Eurydice Bersi endeavors to scrutinize the measures implemented by the New Democracy government aimed at enhancing railway safety...
TITLE: 200 new illegal refugee pushbacks investigated by the National Transparency Authority – 32 cases on trial at the European Court of Justice
DESCRIPTION: While the government claims that the issue of investigating refugee pushbacks is finally over, the National Transparency Authority is examining hundreds of pushback cases involving up to over 10,000 refugees. But the question that arises is: is the NTA really in a position to investigate these human rights violations?
TITLE: 200 new illegal refugee pushbacks investigated by the National Transparency Authority – 32 cases on trial at the European Court of Justice
DESCRIPTION: While the government claims that the issue of investigating refugee pushbacks is finally over, the National Transparency Authority is examining hundreds of pushback cases involving up to over 10,000 refugees. But the question that arises is: is the NTA really in a position to investigate these human rights violations?
CLIENT: Solomon | The Manifold